I want to be like Roald Dahl, a great Author.
The LRC is a much-valued resource and is used by every pupil in the school.
It comprises 21 networked computers in addition to those within the school’s IT department, and currently stocks over 7000 library books, both Fiction and Non-fiction.
All children in EYFS and Junior School attend the LRC once a week, with their Class Teacher, for a timetabled Library Visit – enabling them to return and select new reading books for their enjoyment and development – whilst Senior School children regularly visit the LRC with their Subject Teachers, using the computers for classwork, research and/or independent learning.
The LRC is open every day at Break and Lunch time, for Senior School children – who enjoy the opportunity to read a good book, study, use the computers and even read the newspaper. It is also open every day, after school, from 4.10 – 5.00pm for Homework Club where children can use all the facilities and resources needed to complete their homework, under the supervision of a member of staff.
New Fiction books are regularly purchased and added to stock – whilst, being a member of Schools Library Service (SLS), several hundred new. Non-fiction books are also sourced. Some of these are added to the library shelves and eagerly borrowed by children of all ages whilst others form a part of comprehensive Project Collections for use, by both Class and Subject Teachers, as valuable teaching resources within their classrooms.
The LRC is a welcoming, busy, well-stocked source of information for both staff and children and is used to its fullest potential at CPS.