February 2025
Dear Parents,
I write to update you on the results that the school has achieved in both the 11+ grammar school examinations and the inspection conducted in December 2024 by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). Taken together, the results demonstrate the strength of the school in developing its pupils throughout their time at Chesham Prep, as well as successfully preparing pupils for the next stage of their education.
11+ results
We are delighted to share with you that the qualifying rate for the 11+ entry to grammar school this year is an incredibly impressive 84%. The final figure is available now the Selection Review process is complete (for those pupils who narrowly missed the qualifying score in September). It has been reassuring to see the Selection Review system working as it should, with the vast majority of Chesham Prep applications being awarded a grammar school place. I congratulate all the children who took this assessment and also the children who took senior school entrance tests. Most children have received an offer from their preferred school and, interestingly, the pass rate for boys and girls for Berkhamsted this year stands at 90%. Another impressive statistic.
ISI report
You will recall that back in December, we received a routine visit from the Independent Schools Inspectorate. We received the final report this week and are now in a position to share the findings.
We are delighted to say that the inspectors were highly impressed with the teaching and learning, co-curricular and pastoral provision in our school. The quality of our curricular provision and the immense array of opportunities the children receive earnt special recognition, with the school attaining a Significant Strength in this area. Such a rating is rarely awarded; we feel very proud of receiving this accolade.
This exceptional achievement is reinforced by the following key highlights from the report:
- “Leaders, in keeping with the school’s aims, provide a ‘kaleidoscope of experiences’, which are widely available to pupils. These experiences enable pupils to discover their talents and strengths, and they foster a love of learning.”
- “Pupils’ mental and emotional wellbeing is supported through the development of positive relationships with staff and an emphasis upon kindness and care.”
- “Leaders ensure that health and safety measures are robustly implemented and that pupils are well supervised.”
- “The school’s safeguarding policy is detailed and consistently adhered to by staff.”
- “Subject leaders play a pivotal role in ensuring the quality of teaching and learning across the school.”
- “Teachers consistently understand the needs and aptitudes of each child in the class, and this enables pupils to make good progress from their starting points, particularly in core curriculum areas.”
- “Children demonstrate their confidence during performances on stage and celebrate the achievements of their peers.”
- “Pupils are well-cared for and the varied programme of physical activities available to pupils enables them to maintain high levels of fitness.”
- “Staff regularly review and refresh the educational provision to ensure that pupils are acquiring new knowledge, making good progress and are individually challenged.”
- “Leaders’ focus on providing pastoral care in which each individual is known, valued and nurtured, is in evidence.”
- “Pupils learn to treat others how they would expect to be treated and they are tolerant and respectful. The older pupils demonstrate kindness and care for their younger peers.”
- “In the early years, the high adult to child ratios ensure that children have lots of attention and they are cared for effectively and supported well in their learning.”
- “Pupils are well supported in preparing for their next schools.”
- “Pupils regularly compete at local and occasionally at national level in a number of activities, including singing, drama, swimming, athletics, cross-county and snow sports.”
- The school did receive feedback from the inspection team concerning the correct adoption of the new attendance and registration regulations which came into operation at the start of this academic year; these are deemed critical given the increased government focus placed on school attendance.
Whilst the school has always rigorously monitored its pupils, the new register codes had not yet been implemented at the time of the inspection. This oversight directly impacted the standard for both Safeguarding and Pupil Wellbeing and consequently neither standard was fully met. This single ‘unmet’ element in the report automatically results in the standard related to Leadership, Management and Governance not being met.
Despite this, the full report details that the inspection team were delighted with the vast majority of standards relating to Safeguarding, Pupil Wellbeing and Leadership, Management and Governance.
We have taken immediate action to address school attendance record keeping, and to ensure we are following the new regulations to the letter; I know parents are clearly aware of the extra work and rules that the school has instigated. I am confident that Chesham Prep is a safe and secure environment for our children and look forward to welcoming the inspectors back in due course to check on our attendance policy and practice.
Alongside the inspection report, we received results from the parent questionnaire which covered 17 different topics where, on average, 97% parents strongly agree or agree with the statements. Within these questions 98% agree that “my child is happy at Chesham Prep”, 97% that school “helps my child to keep safe” and 97% felt pupils behave well at school. 99% said Chesham Prep “encourages my child to be physically healthy” and 98% felt “the range of subjects offered at Chesham Prep are suitable for my child.”
I was thrilled with the outcome of parent, staff and pupil questionnaires and delighted to see the way your children proudly shared their love for their school, their intellect, their initiative and their character in observed lessons and many meetings with the inspection team.
I do want to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support of our school. I also want to thank my amazing team of staff, who work tirelessly to ensure the children always come first.
Yours sincerely,
Jonathan Beale
To view a copy of the ISI Report click below