“Don’t be afraid to get involved because everyone will help you with a smile on their face”, says one pupil, perfectly conveying the family feel that pervades this Bucks prep – and extends to the neighbouring farm’s friendly cows and horses. And get involved they do, whether singing at the O2 arena, holding their own election, or flocking to ‘Little Samurai’ fitness club. Having made the most of every opportunity, leavers head to grammar school or top local independents. Head Jonathan Beale, who’s been at Chesham for two decades, has seemingly boundless energy: he’s introduced a Creative Curriculum, a new performance hall is on the cards and, last May, he ran the Edinburgh half marathon. The Tatler Good Schools Guide 2021
Chesham Preparatory School is pleased to accept applications for children to join in various age groups and maintains a partially selective policy for admissions. The school is, therefore, mixed-ability by nature and in keeping with its aims to provide an holistic, well-rounded education.
Choosing the right school for your child is a very important decision. Our experienced Registrar, Mandy Chase, will talk you through the process of applying to Chesham Prep and answer any questions you may have. Please see the video below where she explains how we run our admissions but also please feel free to contact her on registrar@cheshamprep.co.uk or call on 01494 782619.
Visiting the school – You can either visit us during one of our Open Mornings or you can arrange an individual meeting with the Headmaster, Mr Beale and a tour of the school. Please contact the Registrar on 01494 782619 or email registrar@cheshamprep.co.uk
Early registration is advised. However, a place can occur at any time in any year group, so please telephone the Registrar (014947 82619) for up-to-date information on availability in other years. This may be at the start of a term or part way through a term.
Registering your child – Please complete the Registration Form and return it to us with the £120 (including VAT) non-refundable registration fee. The fee can be paid by cheque made payable to Chesham Preparatory School or via bank transfer (details on the Registration Form). The Registration Form can be completed online form via this link: Registration Form
Once you have registered your child, we will contact you to arrange an assessment or visit (Taster Session). Taster Sessions for children entering the Nursery take place in the term before they join the school. For children entering Reception, Taster Sessions are held in the autumn or spring term prior to entry.
For all other year groups, assessments are on an ad-hoc basis, if places are available.
Offer of a place – Offer letters and deposit forms are sent out to parents of children who have been successful at assessment or visit. To accept an offer of a place, parents complete this form and return it with a deposit of £750, which is refunded when the child leaves the School.
EYFS - Nursery and Reception
Places in EYFS tend to fill up very quickly and we advise parents to register early for entry into Nursery and Reception.
Children can enter Nursery at the start of the term after their 3rd birthday.
To enter Reception, children must have reached the age of 4 by 31st August prior to the start of the academic year in which they will become 5 years old.
Assessment – There are no formal assessment, interview or testing arrangements for entry into the Nursery and Reception, but children are invited for a 1.5 hour play-based session in the afternoon prior to joining us. We also ask for a written report from your child’s nursery or pre-school.
Junior School - Years 1 - 4
After Reception, the next formal point of entry is into Year 3 at age 7+. This year, however, we have a few spaces available in Year 1. An additional class is opened in Year 3 taking a maximum of 20 children, creating three classes within each year group, and numbering 60 children in total. The 60 pupils are divided equally across three new mixed ability classes with an even spread of boys and girls. Occasionally, places in Years 1, 2 and 4 can become available.
Assessment Years 1 & 2
There are no formal assessment, interview or testing arrangements for entry into Years 1 & 2, Children are invited to the school for a morning to allow them to familiarise themselves with the school’s surroundings and to find out what it might be like to be a pupil at the school. A report from the pupil’s feeder school is requested at this time.
Assessment Years 3 upwards
Children wishing to enter Year 3 are invited to an Assessment Day. During the day, they take a number of PC-based tests including verbal and non-verbal reasoning assessments. In addition, they take part in group and individual activities such as PE and a craft activity. They also have chance to familiarise themselves with the school’s surroundings and to find out what it might be like to be a pupil at the school. A report from the pupil’s feeder school is requested at this time.
Senior School - Years 5 - 6
A small number of places become available from time to time for Years 5 & 6. Please contact the Registrar for advice about these places by calling 01494 782619 or emailing registrar@cheshamprep.co.uk
Assessment Years 5 – 6
Entry to Senior School is subject to a successful assessment when prospective pupils sit tests in English, Maths, verbal and non-verbal reasoning, Children are invited to the school for a morning to allow them to familiarise themselves with the school’s surroundings and to find out what it might be like to be a pupil at the school. A report from the pupil’s feeder school is requested at this time.
Offer of a place
It is important that the Headmaster can make a judgement as to whether or not a child is likely to benefit from the education on offer within the context of the school’s stated aims, ethos and behaviour policy.
Therefore, admission to the school is conditional upon a successful visit or assessment day and only confirmed upon receipt of a report from the pupil’s feeder school. Any reports or information from educational psychologists or other relevant bodies should also be supplied to help assist the school in its decision.
In the event of an offer of a place not being made the Headmaster (or his appointed deputy) will make an explanation to the parents, in writing if requested, as to the reasons why it was felt that such an offer was not deemed appropriate.
Allocation of places and siblings
Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis and at the discretion of the Headmaster or, in his absence, his appointed deputy. In the event of a year group being full, if the parents so wish and subject to a satisfactory pupil visit, the school will place a child on a waiting list.
The Headmaster will, whenever possible and subject to availability, give preference to siblings of pupils already at the school provided that those parents have indicated on the registration form that this is the case.
The Waiting List
The waiting list will be maintained in strictly chronological order by date of registration, subject to successful assessment. From time to time however the Headmaster reserves the right to offer places to siblings and to a boy or girl not at the top of the waiting list as per paragraphs above.
When a firm offer has been made in writing parents will be invited to complete a form to confirm their acceptance of the place and will be asked to pay a deposit of £750 to secure the place. This deposit is non-refundable in the event of the child not subsequently taking up the place as arranged. Once a pupil has enrolled in the school the deposit will be held over until the end of the pupil’s last term at the school and refunded subject to any and all financial obligations being met by the parents. Where there are three or more siblings enrolled in the school at any one time the school will not request a deposit for any sibling after the second. In such a case the deposit paid in respect of the first sibling who leaves will be allocated to the then remaining second sibling and so on.
Fees in lieu of notice
All parents are bound by the school’s Terms and Conditions as accepted at the time the deposit is paid. Should a child be removed from the school without a full term’s written notice having been received, the parents will be liable to a full term’s fees in lieu of such notice. If a parent decides to withdraw their child before enrolment, written notice must be received by the first day of the preceding term or fees will become due in lieu.
The school will consider applications on behalf of children with a disability and will consider carefully whether enrolling the child would be appropriate and in the child’s best overall interests having regard to the level of care required, the practicalities of making any particular and reasonable adjustments, the available resources and, where relevant, any health and safety issues.