
There are 2 reception classes of no more than 20 children. Each class has a fully qualified teacher and a full time teaching assistant.

In Reception we offer a full and broad curriculum. Our weekly timetable includes two PE sessions, two music sessions Spanish, French and ICT sessions. We also have daily mathematic and literacy lessons. We teach the children to read using a synthetic phonic approach which all staff have been specifically trained to deliver. We provide developmentally appropriate teaching and learning for all children incorporating play based and practical learning.

The nursery and reception classes are housed in the Early Years building. The classrooms are bright stimulating and spacious. All the classrooms are linked enabling the children to enjoy free flow both through the classrooms and into the Early Years garden.

In the EYFS, all members of staff know and care for each child very well.  Their high expectations are responded to enthusiastically by the children.

ISI Report 2016

When I grow up I want to be…
“A Power Ranger.”
“I want to teach maths.”

EYFS pupils