The curriculum promotes challenge and excellence, and is sympathetically planned to meet the developing needs of the pupils as they progress through the school.
Junior School Curriculum
The Junior School covers Years 3 and 4. There are four mixed ability forms in Years 3 and 4. The day is divided into nine lessons.
Throughout the Junior School, all children are taught English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, French, Spanish, Religious Education, Computing, Music, Art, Physical Education, Games and Personal, Social and Health Education (P.S.H.E) in line with National Curriculum guidelines.
In Year 4 the children are split into sets for Mathematics. The groups are divided in to an ‘A’ set, two parallel ‘B’ sets and a smaller ‘C’ set. Lessons in English and Mathematics take place each day and are timetabled for the morning.
Pupils in the Junior School are encouraged to join extra-curricular activities which include: choir, story club, card-making, French, yoga, chess, sewing and craft, computing, and a variety of sports clubs. Some children learn to play a range of musical instruments in individual lessons.
Educational visits take place throughout the year to places of interest related to work in the classroom. Educational groups visit the school to enhance the teaching and learning about historical topics such as the Romans. There are three activity days in the summer term when the children experience a wide range of sporting and academic activities on and off site to enhance the curriculum.