Holiday Club


Chesham Preparatory School operates a Holiday Club for all pupils (Nursery to Year 6) during all school holidays, except bank holidays and when the school is completely closed during the Christmas period.  The Club offers a variety of activities and sports. Nursery and Reception are based in Reception and Years 1 – 6 are based in the sports hall, where the children enjoy a wide choice of sports, activities and fun games. There is also the opportunity for lots of play outside, art and craft activities, computers, Lego etc.

Information about the Holiday Club is sent to parents during the term, or half term, before the relevant holiday.

The Holiday Club runs from 8.30am to 4pm and costs £40 per day (invoiced in arrears). Pupils need to bring a nut free packed lunch, suitable clothing, any medication and a named water bottle, all in a named rucksack.  Bookings are made via the school’s electronic system – SOCS.

Please email, or telephone 07856 022990 with any questions.

Cancellations must be made at least a week before the date of the club or the full cost will be payable.












Chesham Preparatory School
Register today for our Open Morning Events

Sporty Stay & Play – Friday 14th March – 9.30am – 11am 

We are holding a fun Sporty Stay and Play for  2 1/2 – 4 year olds – register here to join us.