More Able Children

More Able Children

Discovering a passion when you are young could lead to a lifetime of fulfilment, excitement and personal development. At Chesham Preparatory we aim to provide an environment in which children can explore and develop their talents, whether creative, sporting or academic. Having high expectations for all children combined with teaching that allows challenge enables us to meet the needs of more able pupils’ in everyday lessons. Your child will naturally show a passion for their subject which is honed with a curiosity beyond the classroom; from reading widely around their focus to visiting museums or places of interest to satisfy their inquisitiveness.

Class teachers and subject specialists give children, who show enthusiasm for a particular area, the opportunity to:

  • Read more widely by providing some books, resources and artefacts in the classroom
  • Suggest books for further reading outside school; highlight possible visits to museums, galleries, concerts, plays, outside activities
  • Advise joining local clubs, e.g. sport, chess, historical societies, orienteering, orchestras, etc.
  • Join extra-curricular activities in school, e.g. STEM, Mathematical Games and Code-breaking, etc.
  • Participate in regional and national quizzes, e.g. Science, Humanities, General Knowledge, etc
  • Enjoy events such as the Design Technology Challenge