CPS has been the most fabulous school for him and he has been cared for and nurtured throughout, as well as brilliantly taught.
At Chesham Prep every child is nurtured and looked after with the utmost care and attention to their welfare and safety. We strive to meet all our children’s changing needs on a day-to-day basis. We communicate any pastoral concerns immediately and ensure that our anti-bullying measures are robust. All our teachers work hard to really get to know each child in their care. We have excellent relationships with the children and identify and solve any pastoral concerns immediately.
Our Early Years Department provides an extension of the love and security that your child has received at home. Our older children are offered a wide breadth of opportunity, the chance to develop new skills and great confidence. They are encouraged to take increasing personal responsibility, to be self-disciplined, fair- minded, honest and reliable, all within a supportive and caring framework. We encourage them to be responsible for their own learning and to show resilience when faced with challenges.
At Chesham Prep we wholeheartedly encourage the move towards a healthier lifestyle within our school. Our goal is to help pupils of all ages enjoy balanced meals with the occasional treat!
As well as a School Nurse, the school provides a confidential counselling service called ‘Chatline’ for any child who wishes to discuss any matter which might be troubling them.